COVID-19 Info Center

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This week’s Dos and Don’ts shares some surprising information on the germiest things you touch, and reminders about taking the Safety Culture Survey, the Employee Giving Campaign and upcoming voting deadlines.

That’s Gross – and Risky!

We all know germs are lurking everywhere, but do you know which three commonly used items are among the most bacteria-laden? It’s a question that’s more important than ever during the pandemic.

According to WebMD, our cellphones are germ magnets, which makes sense since they are with us constantly, and the average user touches his or her phone more than 2,600 times. Every. Single. Day. And this is after touching all sorts of other things.

Second on the list? Your TV remote. Everyone touches it, it falls on the floor and gets stuck in between couch cushions (a cozy, dark home for mold and bacteria).

Third – your computer keyboard. You eat over it. The cat hops on it after using the litter box. You sneeze on it. Yeah, it’s covered in germs.

It’s obviously impractical to clean these items after every use. But what’s a person to do, especially when trying to avoid COVID-19?

A good wipe down with an antibacterial wipe a couple of times a day will help keep your phone from being so germy. That goes for your TV remote, too. Of course, washing your hands regularly also is really important.

Your computer keyboard? Here’s what WebMD advises: Shut down your computer. Give your keyboard a few good shakes to get rid of loose crumbs. Use rubbing alcohol on a cotton ball or pad to clean around each key.

Whether you’re worried about the coronavirus, the flu, the common cold or other ailments caused by germs, a little bit of knowledge (and antibacterial wipes) goes a long way.

Safety Survey Underway

Do take a moment -- or 15 -- to provide your important views on our safety culture in our enterprise-wide survey. We've partnered with the National Safety Council (NSC) to conduct an anonymous, company-wide survey to get your insights on our safety culture, practices and areas for improvement. Don’t delay -- the survey closes Nov. 9.

Please Give Today

Do consider making a gift to your favorite charity through the Exelon Foundation Employee Giving Campaign today! So far, 28 percent of employees have donated a total of $6.5 million -- that’s 76 percent of our 2020 goal of $8.5 million.

Don’t forget! When you donate to your favorite charity during the Giving Campaign, Exelon matches 50 percent of your donation to support your local United Way. Do make a gift soon -- the campaign closes on Nov. 9.

Absentee Voter Deadlines Approaching

Want-to-be absentee voters take note: the deadline to request an absentee ballot is looming in many states. Do make sure you know your state’s deadline by visiting Exelon's Get Ready to Vote webpage. There, you’ll find useful information about your state’s deadlines and how to track your absentee ballot. Don’t discount the importance of your vote – every one makes a difference!