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This Week’s Dos and Don’ts: Wondering about Re-entry? Microsoft Edge Update; Verify Your Voter Registration; New Security Game

This week’s Dos and Don’ts message starts with a serious reminder about responsible re-entry dates and ends with an interactive, online game in honor of Cyber Security Month.

Wondering about Re-entry?
Don’t forget that you can find a lot of helpful information about re-entry by clicking on Responsible Re-entry from the Exelon Coronavirus Information Center homepage.

You probably do know that Phase 1 of our re-entry will not start until after the beginning of 2021, at the earliest. But, did you know that there’s an eight-week evaluation period leading up to the start of Phase 2, which means the earliest we could enter that phase is March 1?

Learn more about the phases of re-entry in the Responsible Re-entry section of the Coronavirus Information Center.

Microsoft Edge Pushed Company-wide
Starting Oct. 12, the Microsoft Edge web browser is being pushed to any Exelon computer where it is not already installed. Don’t miss out on the benefits of this preferred and soon-to-be-default browser. Do click here to learn more about the transition to Microsoft Edge, including how to move your browser favorites from Internet Explorer to Microsoft Edge.

Verify Your Voter Registration
Election day is Nov. 3. Are you registered to vote? Are you sure? If not, do check out Exelon’s Get Ready to Vote webpage. Don’t miss an important registration deadline or absentee ballot request deadline. Do review the site today to ensure you are ready to vote!

New Security Game
Are YOU security conscious? Corporate and Information Security Services (CISS) has prepared a gauntlet of hypothetical hazardous situations that could leave Exelon vulnerable to security risks in support of Cyber Security Month. Do explore each scenario in this interactive game. Once you’ve finished the challenge, don’t forget to log into the Brand Hub and download a new cyber security Teams background (you must log into the Brand Hub before clicking the above “background” download link).