The Task Force’s principles begin with the two most important:
- Employee safety, public safety and customer service are our highest priorities
- All employees should be confident in their safe return to work
The principles, informed by science; federal, state and local guidelines; as well as feedback from the Responsible Re-entry survey, are driving the Task Force’s three-phased approach. The move to each phase primarily will be driven by business need and the ability to keep employees safe.
Phase 1: Early Re-entry
- Begins, at the earliest, after Labor Day, at a date to be determined by the Exelon Executive Committee. We plan to notify employees of the start date of Phase 1 at least 30 days in advance.
- Most remote workers will stay remote, with a target of no more than 25 percent of any individual office location occupied during this phase.
- Onsite work continues to include field and plant operations, control rooms, call centers and associated workforce, with the addition of employees to improve business performance through activities that cannot be performed (or performed effectively) remotely.
- Additional protocols will be introduced around cleaning, symptom self-checks, social distancing in shared spaces such as elevators, meeting and common rooms, mask wearing and more. COVID-19 PPE will be provided at each location..
Phase 2: Expanded Re-entry
- Will begin after an assessment -- which we expect could be eight weeks -- that adding employees at our facilities will still allow us to maintain appropriate social distancing and other safety processes, as well as current state guidelines, continued reduction in confirmed cases, etc.
- A target of no more than 50 percent of any individual office location will be occupied during this phase.
- Protocols and selection criteria in place for Phase 1 will continue.
- If the start of Phase 2 is significantly delayed, it may be necessary to bring additional employees back to the workplace to improve business performance through activities that cannot be performed (or performed effectively) remotely.
Phase 3: Post Pandemic
- Expected to begin once the virus poses a low threat to the general population.
The Exelon Executive Committee met today to review the initial re-entry plan and discuss next steps. We will share more information as it becomes available.