This week’s Dos & Don’ts answers some questions about a COVID vaccine and includes important information about expense management and more.
Find COVID Vaccine News and Information in “Vax Scene”
Welcome to “Vax Scene,” where we’ll be sharing information about the Coronavirus vaccine and our collective shot at ending the pandemic. We’ll provide regular updates including what we know so far and answering some frequently asked questions. To stay up to date, you can also check our special “Vax Scene” section on the Exelon Coronavirus Information Center.
Today’s update includes information about vaccine progress and answers to some of your questions. While we won’t have answers to everything, we will share important information as soon as it’s available.
Vaccine Progress: Two vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna currently are under review by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). A prime responsibility of the FDA’s highly trained scientists and doctors is to ensure vaccine safety. Each of these vaccines has been testing in clinical trials of at least 30,000 people (44,000 for Pfizer), which have shown that the vaccines are safe and effective. Thirteen other vaccines are in human trials. The FDA also inspects the vaccine manufacturing sites to make sure they comply with current Good Manufacturing Practice regulations. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) will be monitoring all the recipients of the vaccine to ensure any potential side effects are well understood and communicated.
Learn more about the comprehensive clinical trials that each vaccine must undergo on the Coronavirus Information Center or on the CDC’s website.
You also can find answers to these commonly asked questions in the special “Vax Scene” section of the Exelon Coronavirus Information Center:
Will Exelon require the vaccine?
Should I get the vaccine? How many shots do I have to get?
I’ve already had COVID. Do I need to get the vaccine?
Does the vaccine have side effects?
I’m a field worker. Will I get the vaccine earlier than the general population?
Will Exelon be distributing the vaccine like it does with the flu vaccine?
When will the vaccine be available?
What if I don’t get the vaccine? Will I be disciplined or have any work restrictions?
Will our families be able to get vaccines?
Updates and Enhancements in Expense Management
Although the pandemic has curbed work travel, do take note of the following changes when reconciling or entering expenses in Concur:
- Receipts are required for all expenses over $25.
- Detailed, also known as itemized, receipts showing what was purchased and the total amount (including tip) are required.
- Receipts must now be attached at the individual expense line level in Concur.
- Faxing receipts is no longer an option and the Fax Receipt Cover Page has been removed.
- The business purpose “copy down” feature is no longer available. You must enter a business purpose for each transaction.
- There is only one category now for meals and entertainment. There is an additional dropdown to select further the type of meal: individual, internal and non-Exelon. All attendees must now be listed in Concur (vs. uploading an attendee list).
Year-End Reminder: E-TimeAs you prepare to enjoy your holiday with your loved ones, don’t forget to enter your time. If you plan to be out of the office through the holiday, do enter your time prior to your vacation.
To ensure that paid time off (PTO) is properly captured for year-end accounting purposes, all PTO used through the end of December must be reported by Dec. 31 at 10am CST.
This does not impact normal time entry deadlines for payroll purposes.
Avoid Account Lockout this Holiday SeasonHave you received an email saying your password is going to expire? Do reset it sooner than later to avoid account lockout – especially if you’re planning to take time off around the holidays.
You can trust this system-generated email because it comes from an email address, has the Exelon logo and is titled “Exelon password expiration notice” with your name on it.
If you need help, do check out the password reset instructions. If you need to call the IT Service Desk, do keep in mind that legitimate Exelon IT staff will never ask you to reveal a password.