COVID-19 Info Center

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While we might not be able to answer all your questions yet, we’ve gathered some of the most common ones and answered them below. In all cases, the safety of our employees and customers is our top priority. As a reminder, you can find information about the three phases here.

When will Phase 1 of re-entry begin?

A start date for Phase 1 hasn’t yet been finalized, but we will let you know by August 3, at the latest, if any employees will be returning shortly after Labor Day. Regardless, employees who will be returning in Phase 1 will have at least five weeks to prepare.

How many employees will return in Phase 1?

A small number. We anticipate approximately three to seven percent of remote-enabled employees will be returning in Phase 1. The majority of remote-enabled employees won’t return to company locations until Phase 3 – post pandemic.

If our facilities already are safe, why are we limiting the number of employees who can return in Phase 1 to a target of 25 percent of facility capacity?

The safety of our employees is our top priority. To keep safe both our employees who already report to company locations as well as our employees who are re-entering, additional protocols have been introduced around cleaning, pre-screening, social distancing in shared spaces such as elevators, meeting and common rooms, mask wearing and more. COVID-19 PPE will be provided at each location.

We want to limit the number of employees returning in the first two phases to make sure we can address any unforeseen challenges. Of course, we also will be monitoring the course of the pandemic in our company locations.

When will I know when I am returning?

Employees who are scheduled to return in Phase 1 will know five weeks in advance. If you have concerns about returning to a company location, please talk with your manager.

I have a health condition that makes me more at risk for getting the virus. What happens if I’m supposed to go back to my company location in Phases 1 or 2?

Please share any concerns you have with your manager and Occupational Health Services (OHS) to determine the best options specific to your situation. The safety of our employees is our top priority.

If schools remain virtual or partly virtual, will that impact the company’s return-to-work policies or date?

There are several considerations that will inform the decision about when to begin Phase 1, including the latest scientific and medical guidance, and the specific situation in each of our locations -- infection and hospitalization rates, etc. We will let you know by August 3, at the latest, if any employees will be returning shortly after Labor Day. If you have a specific concern, please talk to your manager.

How are we deciding who goes back in each phase?

Onsite work continues to include field and plant operations, control rooms and the associated workforce.  In Phase 1, we will add a limited number of other employees to improve business performance through activities that cannot be performed (or performed effectively) remotely over a sustained period of time. Each operating company and department will determine who returns in each phase.

What is the timing of Phase 2?

Phase 2 will begin after an assessment -- which will be a minimum of eight weeks – of Phase 1, which will help us determine if adding more employees at our facilities will still allow us to maintain appropriate social distancing, comply with state guidelines, etc.  We also will be monitoring the situation in each of the company’s locations, including the current rates of infection, among other issues.

A target of no more than 50 percent of any individual office location will be occupied during Phase 2. Protocols and selection criteria in place for Phase 1 will continue.

If the start of Phase 2 is significantly delayed for any reason, it may be necessary to bring additional employees back to the workplace to improve business performance through activities that cannot be performed (or performed effectively) remotely over a sustained period of time.

Did all remote-enabled employees get a survey to share our thoughts about returning to the office? We heard about it, but some never received it.

If you were missed in the survey distribution, we apologize. The good news is approximately 10,000 employees responded to the survey, which gives us high confidence in the results.

With cases increasing, how does that impact the responsible re-entry plan?

The safety of our employees is our top priority, so the status of the pandemic in each of our locations is a vital consideration in the decision about when to bring remote-enabled employees back to work locations, along with guidance from local and federal officials and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).  Our Occupational Health Services team is constantly monitoring the latest science, as well as increases and decreases in infections and hospitalizations.

Will spouse occupation be considered in our re-entry decisions? My wife is a healthcare worker with the possibility of being exposed.

A spouse’s occupation will not necessarily affect the phase in which you will return. If you have specific concerns, please talk to your manager.

When do we think Phase 3 – Post Pandemic will start?

We define Phase 3 as a time when the virus poses a very low threat to the general population. Most likely, that won’t happen until there is widespread immunity, an effective treatment or a vaccine is widely available. That timing is impossible to predict right now.

If you have additional questions about the company's policies related to COVID-19, please visit the Exelon Coronavirus Information Center